Working Together to Safeguard Children & Young People: Pre-course Preparation

Below is the list of pre course information you’ll need to review before you attend. If you have any issues with accessing the materials. please email us on:

Child Protection Conference Report

Agencies invited to an initial child protection conference are required to write a report. In the webinar we will be exploring how best to write the report and so please familiarise yourself with the report template below and make a note of any questions/reflections you would like to discuss in the session.

Report Template

Safeguarding Young People in Plymouth

Plymouth’s way of supporting young people experiencing harm outside the home is called the Adolescent Safety Framework (ASF). Please take a look at our ASF webpage below where you can find detailed information on the framework to support discussions on the course.

Adolescent Safety Framework Webpage

Vicarious Trauma

As a caring professional a concept we all need to be familiar with is vicarious trauma. This is where professionals can indirectly experience trauma, in other words ‘vicariously,’ as a consequence of helping others who have been exposed to trauma. We will be looking at this concept in more detail in the webinar so please read the NSPCC research briefing on this topic below.

Vicarious Trauma Research Briefing